At MarHill Care Services Ltd our ethos is to prevent service users from becoming socially excluded because of life circumstances. Our aim is to work with those who have fallen victim to stereotypes, by offering them practical access to tools which help build ambitions, be proud, honest, and grounded individuals.
We offer a safe and secure homely environment for vulnerable young people, with a tailored support plan based on individual needs and circumstances.
MarHill aspires to deliver care and support based on individual needs, we aim to set an example for other providers and to be leaders in providing safe, happy, and comfortable accommodation for service users. MarHill Care Services will support young people to develop a foundation to make the right decisions that will lead to valuable contributions to society.
Aims and Intentions
Our aim is to use our combined and complimentary skills to provide our service users with a holistic approach to their daily life and well-being.
To empower MarHill Care Services staff to achieve the highest standards possible we will:
● Provide a home which children/young people can be proud to identify as their home.
● Work alongside colleagues and other professionals such as CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), YOS (Youth Offending Service), schools, the local police, probation services, social services, young advocacy services, legal guardian, solicitors, CPS (Crown Prosecution Services), IRO(Independent Reviewing Officer) as well as family and friends to build strong relationships with service users in our care and those whom they may positively be associated with.
● Provide an environment in which young people can be encouraged to develop physically, psychologically, intellectually, and socially.
● Provide a safe environment where young people can reflect on their experiences, understand how their behaviour can affect themselves and others, regain control of their future and find coping strategies.
● Offer specialised support and counselling from experienced qualified staff, who will encourage and facilitate young people to achieve and work towards individual independence.
External resources will be made available to young people as considered necessary by their individual care plans.
● Always encourage and support service users be an independent individual to the point where they are confident to care for themselves by offering a continued and consistent high level of emotional support and practical help in health and education, employment and training issues, cooking, budgeting, and household chores.
● Involve young people in decision-making process, support them to be part of all plans that might involve them.
● Ensure that all staff receive ongoing statutory and practical training, support, and guidance to ensure they have the skills, confident and professionalism to support service users with individually tailored services.
● Ensure non-discriminatory practices in accordance with our Equal Opportunities Policy.
We will deliver the above aims and intentions in a non-judgmental, non-punitive environment, creating a culture of care, support, and mutual respect, aiming to encourage service users to become well balanced, positive and fruitful members of our community whilst working towards an independent way of life.